Breakouts happen to the best of us, but what you may not realize is some of your personal habits are the root cause of why they are happening. Read below to see if you’re guilty of these breakout-causing habits! …
Let’s face it – acne isn’t just for teens. Acne can hit us at any age. What’s important for us all to know is what may be triggering such breakouts and what we can do to minimize them! …
Whether it be a pop-up pimple or a full on breakout, some would say wearing makeup in these conditions is a serious no-no. Let the skin breathe “they” say – but breakouts are what makeup was made to cover!…
Acne often leads sufferers to look for any means to alleviate their constant breakouts, excessive oils, and skin irritation. A myth we are constantly hearing, especially as the weather heats up is that laying in the sun will clear-up your…