Do you suffer from oily skin? Repêchage Account Executive Pamela Carrera shares her tip on how to cleanse oily skin during the winter time!
Hi! My name is Pamela and I am an account executive here at Repêchage. Today I am going to share with you how to cleanse your oily skin in the winter time. First, a lot of you may be using very hot water to cleanse your skin and also your body. Well, if you are doing so, try to refrain. Very hot water can actually dry your skin and increase oil production. What you should be doing is using a very gentle cleanser, like our Repêchage T-Zone Cleansing Complex, which has St. John’s Wort. St John’s Wort is going to calm, and balance your skin. It has also white tea and green tea which are your anti-oxidant protectors. This cleanser can be used in the morning and at night, and it is perfect to use to cleanse your skin and remove your makeup.
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